Go online
We collaborate with you to create a unique company identity for online publishing, helping you to stand out among the crowd with a professional looking website.
Sell online
There are many e-commerce solution providers that charge an arm and a leg with outrageous set-up costs and ongoing monthly fees, but we are not one of them.
We offer a full range of services: Search engine optimization (SEO), writing content, translation services, online advertising, social networking, link building, online reputation...

What Boutique Connexion can do for you.

"Boutique Connexion - IT'S THAT EASY"

  • Web Presence: You want a professional looking website that matches your needs. We will make it happen. Our Web Presence packages include hosting for your website, domain name, email, custom design, and basic search engine set up.
  • ecommerce Website: You want to sell products online. Easy. Our ecommerce packages include hosting for your website, domain name, email, custom design, basic search engine set up and one of the best ecommerce shopping cart with top notch features.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): You want your website ranked in the first positions in Google, Yahoo or Bing. We have the knowledge, skills, and a proven process that consistently delivers results. Take a look at our SEO packages.
  • Go international: You want to expand your business by reaching international costumers. We offer content writing and translation services in three languages, english, spanish and french. We can help you to build a strategy in accordance to your industry and goals.
  • Online Adverising: You want to advertise your products online. We manage Google, yahoo, Bing and Facebook advertising and other pay per click program.
  • Translation Services: Boutique Connexion specialises in only translating websites. Our website translation and localization projects are carried out by qualified and experienced translators.
  • Social Networking: You heard about Facebook and Twitter. Social Networking has became a huge part of online success. We help you build the right network.
Boutique Connexion

+33 6 11 82 33 26

International Sales

French - English - Spanish


Boutique Connexion
by Allo Site Internet
803 rue de la Chavanne
73230 Barby,
Savoie, France.

Company Website

Company Owner

Julien VERDU